249. Sundial
339. Votive to Hekate Eunantetos
431. Fragment of an altar dedication
468. Dedication by Gaius Volousios, mime actor
472. Dedication to Tyche and Justice
501. Oath of Plarasa/Aphrodisias, Kibyra, and Tabae
?703. Funerary inscription of Peritas, on base or altar;
708. Dedication to Theos Hypsistos
709. Dedication to Theos Hypsistos
806. Sculptor's signature of Menippos
1218. Votive to Morsynus
1222. Dedication by Dionysios on behalf of Ammia
1225. Votive dedication by children of Hermias
?1233. Dedication to Zeus and Aphrodite
1237. Votive offering to the Winds
1239. Votive offering to Kore Plyarei by Diogenes and Tatias
1240. Altar dedication by Diogenes son of Damonikos
?1247. Votive offering to a goddess (Aphrodite)
?1248. Invocations to the winds
1267. Altar dedication for Hadrian
?1277. Dedication for Hadrian Soter
1841. Honours or dedication
?1867. Building dedication for Aphrodite, Emperors and Demos
616. Gladiator memorial for Podenemos
617. Gladiator memorial, for Unio
618. Gladiator memorial for Narkissos
625. Gladiator memorial for Xanthos
626. Gladiator memorial for Patroklos
627. Gladiator memorial for [?Margar]eites
?628. Gladiator memorial for Kaistillos
629. Gladiator memorial for Fortis
630. Gladiator memorial for Aniketos
631. Gladiator memorial for Skirtos
632. Gladiator memorial for Margaretes
633. Gladiator memorial
634. Gladiator memorial
635. Gladiator memorial for Secundus
636. Gladiator memorial for Menandros, bestiarius
637. Gladiator memorial for [ . . .]pes, bestiarius
45. Verse honours for Ioannes, governor of Caria
58. Building inscription of Pytheas, in verse
66. Philippos, admirandissimus, pays for work in the South Agora
67. Dionysios, doctor, undertakes building works in the Hadrianic Baths
104. Dedication (building inscription), to a saint
120. Name: Stephanos, subdeacon (prayer/invocation)
236. Building inscription from a church of St. Michael
398. Building dedication for Aphrodite
502. Decree of Plarasa/Aphrodisias
536. i. Building dedication to Aphrodite and Demos; ii. Invocation to Ourania; iii. Acclamation for the City
539. Building inscription by priest of Libertas
591. Gameboard
881. Building dedication of Sebasteion portico for Aphrodite, Emperors and Demos
1102. Building inscription of Artemidoros Muon
1104. Building dedication to Demos
1105. Building dedication to Zeus
?1106. Building inscription
1109. Building dedication to Aphrodite
?1126. Building dedication to Demos
1127. Building dedication to Demos
1128. Building dedication to Demos
?1129. Building dedication to Demos
1130. Building dedication to Demos
1131. Building dedication to Demos
1132. Building dedication to Demos
1133. Building dedications, by Antipatros and by Dionysios, to Demos
1135. Building inscription, by a man and wife
1143. Building inscription by [—]nius Lysias
1146. Building dedication to a god
1148. Building inscription of Melition son of Pythion
1149. Building inscription fragment, I B.C./I A.D.
1152. Building inscription fragments first-second centuries A.D.
1157. Building dedication to Nemesis
1158. Fragment, Augustan date, from Odeon area
1167. Fragment, undated, stray find
1168. Building inscription
1170. Fragment, undated, from Gymnasium
1172. Fragment, first /second century
1177. Building dedication, from Theatre
1181. Building inscription, late Hellenistic
1250. Building dedication with imperial reference
1251. Building dedication for Titus
1253. Building dedication for Hadrian
1254. Building dedication to Aphrodite and emperors and Demos
1255. Building dedication with imperial reference
1258. Building dedication to Aphrodite and emperors
1259. Building dedication to Aphrodite and emperors
1260. Building dedication to the People and Hadrian
1262. Building dedication to Aphrodite and Hadrian
1263. Dedication to Nike
1270. Building restoration dedicated to Aphrodite and emperors
1271. Building restoration dedicated to Aphrodite and emperors
1272. Building dedication for restoration, to Aphrodite and emperors
1274. Building restoration dedicated to Aphrodite and emperors
1275. Building dedication to Tiberius and Livia
1278. Building dedication to the Divine Augustus by Eusebes son of Menandros
1535. Honours for anonymous, high-priest
1541. Building inscription by Claudia
1554. Building inscription fragment
1857. Dedication by M.. Fl. Antonius Lysimachos
architrave block
1004. Funerary honours for Geis and Heraios
1147. Building inscription: restoration by Valerianus
1150. Building inscription fragment, I B.C./I A.D.
1151. Building inscription fragment, undated.
1153. Building inscription: restoration of building by ?Eusebes
1156. Fragment of building inscription, first/second century A.D.
1157. Building dedication to Nemesis